Saturday, March 06, 2004
A Couple More
3. There is a +1 DRM for attempting a Self Rally (A10.63, A18.11) - This is not necessarily an easily-forgotten rule, but it can be an easy one to miss when first getting into the system. "Self-rally" refers to a unit whose broken morale is enclosed in a box. In addition, one unit may attempt "Field Promotion" as the first rally attempt of its own player-turn. However there's still a +1 DRM for attempting to rally without the presence of a leader, regardless of whether the unit has a boxed morale value ("self-rally" capability) or not (attempting Field Promotion). Another important aspect of this rule is:
4. HoB is NA for Self Rally Attempts. MMC undergo Field Promotion on a self-rally DR of 2. SMC just rally on a self-rally DR of 2. (A18.11, A15.1) - A complicated series of rules governing just one aspect of one phase (Rallying in the RPh). Heat of Battle (A15.) occurs with an original DR of 2 ("snake-eyes") during rally attempts (and a number of other events), but not self-rally. The first MMC rally attempt of a player's turn is considered "Field Promotion", which allows a MMC to attempt self-rally regardless of "self-rally" capability. An original DR of 2 both rallies the unit and allows Leader Creation as per A18. However, rolling snakes on a regular self-rally attempt (e.g., a MMC with self-rally capability not attempting "Field Promotion") does not invoke either Heat of Battle or Field Promotion/Leader Creation.
And one for you SASL fans:
5. A Panicked unit must use FPF vs. a moving same-Location or ADJACENT unit (6.212) - This is hidden in the rules section on ENEMY actions, but the effects of "Panic" apply to both ENEMY and FRIENDLY units. A Panicked unit is considered marked with a "Final Fire" counter, and thus Final Protective Fire is mandatory if an opposing unit moves adjacent or into the same Location. Again, this also applies to your own units, not just the ENEMY, which is good since your units would otherwise be completely vulnerable once Panicked.
4. HoB is NA for Self Rally Attempts. MMC undergo Field Promotion on a self-rally DR of 2. SMC just rally on a self-rally DR of 2. (A18.11, A15.1) - A complicated series of rules governing just one aspect of one phase (Rallying in the RPh). Heat of Battle (A15.) occurs with an original DR of 2 ("snake-eyes") during rally attempts (and a number of other events), but not self-rally. The first MMC rally attempt of a player's turn is considered "Field Promotion", which allows a MMC to attempt self-rally regardless of "self-rally" capability. An original DR of 2 both rallies the unit and allows Leader Creation as per A18. However, rolling snakes on a regular self-rally attempt (e.g., a MMC with self-rally capability not attempting "Field Promotion") does not invoke either Heat of Battle or Field Promotion/Leader Creation.
And one for you SASL fans:
5. A Panicked unit must use FPF vs. a moving same-Location or ADJACENT unit (6.212) - This is hidden in the rules section on ENEMY actions, but the effects of "Panic" apply to both ENEMY and FRIENDLY units. A Panicked unit is considered marked with a "Final Fire" counter, and thus Final Protective Fire is mandatory if an opposing unit moves adjacent or into the same Location. Again, this also applies to your own units, not just the ENEMY, which is good since your units would otherwise be completely vulnerable once Panicked.