
Monday, September 13, 2004

Takin' a Break 

I apologize for the lack of new content here in the last 2-3 months. As I think I said before, I chose a blog as my ASL website because I like the format. It's been a nice way to generate and post articles on ASL. I hope at some point to put the articles I've already generated into a downloadable pdf-style journal format (with an original title like "First Fire, Issue #1"). However, the problem with using a blog is that it comes with an expectation of frequent updating and adding of new material (I'm probably the only blogger in all of cyberspace not to have posted something regarding the CBS-Bush National Guard memos). I find myself feeling guilty for not having something new to add (all guilt is self-generated).

Unfortunately, I've not had time to play ASL recently. Even my current SASL game ("Hoch Hoch" from Journal 3) is languishing on my computer. It's difficult to generate new and informative postings about ASL when I'm not actually playing the game. With the recent change of the ASL Forums to the Warfare HQ site, my interest in reading about ASL online has receeded a bit farther. I'm honestly not sure about why the community at that site doesn't click with me, but I don't enjoy browsing there, especially with the recent MMP-bashing threads. I still read the ASLML and Consimworld, but the list just isn't up to its historical standards, and CSW I read for non-ASL reasons. In other words, I'm not playing ASL right now, and am not really reading enough about it to keep me interested.

This will be temporary. I have too much invested in ASL and receive too much satisfaction from playing it and being involved with it to let if go. As my schedule and my interest level allow me to descend into ASLdom again, my contributions to this site will pick up as well. Could be in 3-4 months, could be in 2 weeks, don't know for sure.

I'm just trying to lower the expectations of anyone looking for new content here. For now, enjoy perusing what already exists here. I promise that more will be forthcoming eventually. And thanks to everyone who happens by.

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